
Firfly Therapy Clinic for Adults

Firfly Therapy Clinic provides therapy services for adults experiencing difficulties from traumatic brain injury, aphasias, dysarthrias, apraxias and other neurological impairments. Our goal is to improve clients higher level cognitive processes and executive functioning skills including orientation, reasoning, attention, and memory. The goal of independence with expressive communication, reading comprehension, chewing/swallowing, auditory comprehension and higher level executive functioning systems is always in the forefront.

Our team of knowledgeable clinicians provides services and support not only at our offices, but also in functional environments, maximizing intervention.

Our staff at Firfly Therapy Clinic works with individuals with marked deficits in language, speech, and/or cognition to minimize discernible impairments when communicating with various communication partners. Our occupational therapists assist clients with Activities of Daily Living (ADL) tasks addressing tasks at our clinic, at a client’s home and in the community. This multifaceted treatment approach ensures that our clients ultimately function to the best of their abilities.


Our speech

language pathologists also work with individuals who have organically –based impairments including fluency and voice. We equip our clients with strategies to minimize the presence of these deficits.

Private evaluation and therapy services are available at the offices of Firfly Therapy Clinic. Individuals are seen for various communicative impairments and disorders. Family education and home programs are crucial components of our therapy program.

Our team’s overriding priority is to provide effective intervention and to usher in a spirit of excellence with each individual client.

The team of professionals at Firfly Therapy Clinic consists of experienced, ASHA (i.e., American Speech, Language, Hearing Association) certified speech-language pathologists and licensed occupational therapists. We treat individuals ranging from minimal to severe impairments. The clinicians come with years of experience working with TBI, aphasias and other neurological deficits.

The staff at Firfly Therapy Clinic, works with family members and loved ones to provide constructive strategies and guidelines to help the person function as successfully as possible. Consultation and caregiver/partner training are integral parts of therapy services offered by Firfly Therapy Clinic.

We incorporate our client’s interests and values with a multidisciplinary team approach through evidenced based practices to elevate our clients’ abilities to a level close to or on par with previous functioning.

Our team evaluates and provides intervention for the following impairments including, but not limited to the following:


Advanced Therapy Clinic provides adult patients who need treatment for

  • Aphasia
  • Apraxia
  • Cognitive-Communication for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Oral Motor Disorders
  • Fluency
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Swallowing Disorders